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Re: lyx/testing on woody

Matthias Czapla wrote:


I'd like to know if somebody has already had experience with installing
LyX 1.3.4 from testing onto a Woody system. Woody has only version 1.1.6
and I've to proof read documents written by someone else with 1.3.3
on Windowz and while I can *read* them (ignoring errors about unknown
commands when opening the files) I would like to correct misspellings
and such directly in LyX but I'm afraid of corrupting the document. So
we need to have the same version of LyX on both Debian Woody and
Windowz but unfortunately the only way seems to be to update on my
side because there is no version below 1.3.1 available for Windowz.

Does the upgrade to testing of LyX result in having to upgrade basic
system libraries so that I'd end up upgrading the whole system or is
it just limited to tetex? Of course I could and will just try for
myself but this is my beloved and only stable system so I'm rather
cautious when it comes to experimenting. Thank you in advance.

first, look at backports.org and then apt-get.org

Note that using apt-get.org has some hazards - if you add someone's collection of woody software, anyting in their collection can end up installed on your system. The former provides easier good control over what you get.

If those fail to turn up a copy, I'd build it on Woody from the Sarge source. I wouldn't expect the Sarge binaries to install easily on Woody.




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