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how to run a single X program?


Most of the time I work in GNOME, but sometimes all I need to do can be
done quicker in text environment, with, for example, only one graphical
web-browser running on the default, seventh virtual console. This could
be a real time- and battery-saver when I'm working on a laptop.

I think there's a way of starting (startx-ing?) X with only one
application, and after some googling I found "The Basic X Window
System Architecture"[1], which suggests to `startx xterm` or to
put xterm as the only thing in the ~/.xinit file.

Unfortunately, creating ~/.xinit with the xterm line simply
starts my GNOME/Metacity as usual, while `startx xterm` (or
`startx mozilla-firefox` for that matter) end up in dropping
me back to the commandline and displaying
/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm:  bad command line option "mozilla-firefox"
(plus xterm usage help).

What should I try next? I have the x-window-manager alternative set to
/usr/bin/metacity, but setting it to /usr/X11R6/bin/twm doesn't change
anything (and I don't think it should, because, as I understand it,
I don't want to run *any* window manager - I want just a single,
fullscreen X application).

[1] http://togaware.com/linux/survivor/Basic_X.shtml

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| To any other nation the loss of a Nelson would have been irreparable,
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| -- Admiral Pierre Charles de Villeneuve
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