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Re: Sid-Mozilla-user-crash

On Mon, 12 Jul 2004, John Carline wrote:

> Since upgrading my Sid box (i386) last week, Mozilla 1.7 crashes on many 
> websites and when attempting to open email that calls up data from the 
> web. The strange part about it is that it only happens to regular users, 
> it does not crash when running under root.
[ . . . ]
> So far I've:
> Waited patiently for Sid to quit breaking my toys - upgrading daily - no 
> luck

Well sid == "unstable", but I sympathize.

[ . . . ]
> Since I haven't seen a hue and cry on the list, it must only be me.... 
> Anyone know what simple thing I'm missing?

Wild guesses might include:
  - problem with java, shockwave, or other plugin/extension that is
    'auto-loaded' for all profiles
  - corrupt mime.types or mailcap files

The fact that things work as root is interesting (assuming it's not a red
herring).  Does anyone know if mozilla goes into a 'safe' mode when run as
root (eg. with respect to loading/handling plugins)?

If none of this solves the problem, then you might want to downgrade to a
previous version and pin the package in apt.  If you're lucky there will be
an old version or two in /var/cache/apt/archives/ that you can use.  (Copy
the .deb somewhere so it don't get purged before you need it again.)

-- Brad

Brad Sawatzky <bds9e@virginia.edu>
University of Virginia Physics Department
Ph: (434) 924-6580    Fax: (434) 924-7909

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