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postfix + amavisd-new + clamscan

Ran into some questions/problems with configuration amavisd-new and postfix and clamscan.

-----------  AMAVIS + CLAMAV

Jul 2 20:55:16 cling amavis[13330]: Using internal av scanner code for (primary) Clam Antivirus-clamd Jul 2 20:55:16 cling amavis[13330]: Found secondary av scanner Clam Antivirus - clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan

[... followed by ...]

Jul 2 20:57:20 cling amavis[13331]: (13331-01) Clam Antivirus-clamd FAILED - unknown status: /var/lib/amavis/amavis-20040702T205719-13331/parts: Can't access the
 file ERROR\n

------   CLAMAV

Not sure what doesn't work here. One guess is that my clamd socket (LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl) needs to be configured in the amavisd config file? No, that's not it, they are the same...

Do I need to set the USERS in clamav and amavisd to be the same?

------  POSTFIX

The other part I'm not certain about is the configuration of master.cf:

First, I'm not certain that the configuration is all the correct.
I didn't test it as well as I should have, so I'll have to keep kind of quiet.

My real concern is the use of the options. I would like to be able to ensure that my UCE's are implimented at the beginning of the connection (pre amavisd). One problem I ran into with SuSE is that the UCE's that were in main.cf were not implimented until after amavis tried to deliver them. This resulted in my mail server being exploited to bounce email-spam at other people using my postmaster ("<>") as the sender. Not cool!

I don't want a repeat of that one.

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