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Re: which dhcp client should be used?

On Sunday 27 June 2004 11:25 am, Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra 
> 	If you don't know already, I suggest you just leave that for
> later when you get a better understanding of networking.

This is not helpful advice.  It is better to partially answer the 
question(s), or suggest how to get the needed knowledge or experience.  

> 	Or do apt-search show <package>.

I think you mean apt-cache show <package>.  Normally this is a good 
idea.  In this case, the descriptions of the three he asked about do 
not address his questions.

Raju:  I do not know the differences, I'm sure someone knowledgeable 
will later post some information.  For now, I think dhcp3-client is a 
more modern replacement of dhcp-client.  I was not able to quickly get 
dhcp3-client to work on my system.  dhcp-client works fine for me, so I 
chose to use that. 

Aaron Maxwell - http://redsymbol.com

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