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Re: how stop the dns service?

Felipe Martins writes:
> hello, in RedRat there is command 'service' to start, restart, stop and
> verify status of services.
> - which command in debian is equivalent?

The sysvconfig package includes a 'service' command.

> - how can i verify which services are running?

Most Debian initscripts don't implement the 'status' command. Use ps.

> - is it possible to avoid a service being started during boot or machine
>   initialization?

Yes.  Change all the 'S' links for that service to 'K' links.  You can do
this with sysvconfig.  Install the sysvconfig package, run sysvconfig as
root, and follow instructions.  Sysvconfig is in Unstable and should be in
Testing by now, but it should install and run fine on Stable.
John Hasler 
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

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