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gnupg and changing email address


my email address is going to change so i wanted to update the one
used in my gpg key.

1) I add a new uid with the correct email address, removed the other uid
with deluid and then i sent back the key to a keyserver.
I'm not sure that it's the correct way and i've been told to use revuid
for this case?

If i lookup my key online @
, then I see that my email is correct but there seems to be a lot of other
stuff in my key.

pub  1024D/712CBB8D 2003-01-19 Benedict Verheyen <linux4bene@telenet.be>
     Key fingerprint = 2D48 4780 5081 AEC7 5505  690B E983 EC5F 712C BB8D
New!  attempt to lookup keyholder on biglumber.com.
sig  0x13  712CBB8D 2004-06-06  [selfsig]
sub  1024g/5CCA4AD5 2003-01-19 [subkey]
     Key fingerprint = D831 FD09 6108 60B7 A98A  345E 4ECA 67D0 5CCA 4AD5
sig  0x18  712CBB8D 2003-01-19 [keybind, hash: type 2, 98 ca]

I don't think i have any subkeys left?
On another site, pgp.mit.edu:11371, my key looks better:
Type bits /keyID    Date       User ID
pub  1024D/712CBB8D 2003/01/19 Benedict Verheyen <linux4bene@telenet.be>

Has changing my email for my key now succeeded or is there still something
wrong? If so, what is the correct course of action?

2) In order to be able to change these settings on another machine using
cygwin, i've tried to copy my private and public key but this doesn't seem
to work, neither does importing it (without an export that is). Am i
correct in assuming that if one wants to do this, the best course of
action is to use --import and --export to accomplish this?


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