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Re: Copy Linux Filesystem/Check/Compare Filesystems

On Wednesday 19 May 2004 07:20 pm, Doug MacFarlane wrote:
> Team:
> I will shortly need to copy about 100 gb of data from one filesystem to
> another.  While cp would probably do fine, others have suggested using tar
> or some other tool that is more robust for performing the copy.
> Any suggestions?  Just exactly how would one tar one filesystem to another,
> without the intermediate tar file?

I don't think anyone has suggested rsync yet.  Its syntax is awful, but if you 
flip through the man page, I think you'll agree it has a lot of potential to 
do everything you want.

FWIW, I use it to back up a 40 GB drive every night.  Just a cheap little 
thing like this:

if ! (mount /mnt/backup); then
    echo "ERROR!  Could not mount /mnt/backup!"
    echo "Abort, abort, abort!!!"
    exit 1

rsync -uax --delete / /mnt/backup/
rsync -uax --delete /boot /mnt/backup/
rsync -uax --delete /var /mnt/backup/
rsync -uax --delete /home /mnt/backup/

umount /mnt/backup

Looking at this, you may wonder why the extra trouble to tell it to limit 
itself to one filesystem when there's only a single destination.  The reason 
is because there used to be separate destinations, and I haven't bothered to 
tinker with the script to see about doing everything in one shot.  If it 
ain't broke...

Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <dmmcintyr@users.sourceforge.net>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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