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packages in GNU but not in Debian

Here is a simpleminded listing of packages in the GNU directory but not in Debian yet.
$ lynx -dump http://www.gnu.org/directory/GNU/|
perl -wnle 'if(m@/GNU/.*.html@){@F=split q{[./]}; print lc $F[$#F-1]}'|sort -o /tmp/gnu
$ COLUMNS=222 dpkg-query -l \*|awk '/===/,EOF{print $2}'|sort -o /tmp/debian
$ comm -23 /tmp/gnu /tmp/debian|xargs|fold -s|sed 's/ $//'
3dkit 3dldf abdabi adns awacs backgammon bool ccaudio ccrtp cfs-el cgicc chess
classpathx combine commoncpp cp-tools cpp2html dap diffutils djgpp dld edma
eprints epsilon ffp fhp fish fontutils forum free freedink g95 galway gcron
gdbm ghostscript giptables gleem glib glibc glue gnochive gnomefind
gnometranscript gnotary gnotepad gnubik gnuclasspath gnucrypto gnuenterprise
gnufribidi gnuhalifax gnuhegemonie gnulibsigsegv gnulightning gnum4 gnumdk
gnumessenger gnump gnuoctal gnuparted gnupascal gnupod gnusasl gnuscapenav
gnusl gnusql gnustep gnusysutils gnutexmacs gnutls gnuts gnuunrtf goldwater
goose gpp gss gtk gtkeditor guile-gnome gurgle guss hopla hyperbole idutils
inetutils intlfonts jacal jel kawa leg lengualibre libavl libcdio libfreeipmi
libgcrypt libiconv libidn libmatheval libpxmchem libpxmutils libxmi marst
maverik mcron melting metahtml midnightcommander mll2html motti ocrad osip
paperclips patchwork paxutils phantomhome phantomsecurity phpgrabcomics
polyxmassdata prolog pth ptx r radius readline rottlog rx scheme shishi
smalltalk snug sourcehighlight speedx superopt sweater sxml termutils toutdoux
webpublish windowmaker xhippo xinfo xnee
This is about 1/2 of the GNU packages, the other half are in Debian.

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