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Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?)

This is the message I receive when trying to play an mp3 file at the command line using the program mpg321:
Can't find a suitable libao driver. (Is device in use?)
When I try to run the "saytime" program I get this error message:
sox: Can't open output file '/dev/audio': No such device
child process returned a non-zero status 2
Another error message I logged (forgot which program generated it) gave me:
sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp': No such device
However, I can play a CD using the command line program "CDCD", so apparently the soundcard is configured correctly.
It should be noted that I had both mpg321 and "saytime" working adequately in the past (through accidental, undocumented experimentation), but had to do a complete reinstall for other reasons.
I am new to Linux and Debian and have a crappy old computer with a 133mhz AMD processor and 64megs of memory.  Obviously, I need drivers and configuration schemes which are optimized for wimpy systems like mine.
All advice / pointers to documentation are appreciated to help me work out these problems.  Many thanks in advance.

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