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problems with dhclient after upgrade to sarge


Last night I upgraded my woody system to Sarge, and my dhclient broke. 
Before the upgrade I was using the package that came with woody 
(dhcp3-client 3.0+3.0.1rc9-2.2) and it worked 'out of the box'. That is, 
all I had to do was type /sbin/dhclient and I was fine. After the upgrade, 
dhcp3-client 3.0+3.0.1rc13-1 was installed, and nothing was working.

The first problem encountered following the upgrade was, after typing 
/sbin/dhclient as root, I got messages such as 'receive_packet Network is 
down' and 'send packet: network is down', and of course it didn't 
configure. After some Google searches (on another computer), it looked 
like the problem was that the network was not being brought up: 
once I typed 'ifconfig eth0 up' and re-ran /sbin/dhclient it looked like 
it worked.

But it didn't. Although the messages dhclient is putting to the screen 
look like normal messages (i.e., it gets bound to an address and a renewal 
time from the server) I can't connect to the internet. If a try to ssh 
into a machine I get a 'Temporary failure in name resolution' error. 
Furthmore, if I run 'ifconfig' it lists eth0 and lo as normal, but there 
is no internet address assigned to eth0 even though it looks like dhclient 
was sent one. It does say 'UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST', but no 'inet 

I'm at a loss for ideas right now. As I said earlier, it worked trivially 
under woody, so I know it is not a problem with any of the kernel 
configurations or drivers (as those were not updated in my transition to 
Sarge). I would appreciate any help or guidance on this matter.

Please respond directly to me, as I am not subscribed to the mailing 

Thanks in advance,


David R. Ballantyne			             Ph: 416-978-1775
Canadian Institute for
Theoretical Astrophysics	                    Fax: 416-978-3921
University of Toronto,
60 St. George Street,		     Email: ballanty@cita.utoronto.ca
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 3H8		  Web: http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~ballanty/

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