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Re: Kernel 2.6.5 and Nvidia driver

On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 02:08:34PM +0200, Hans du Plooy wrote:
> On Thursday 08 April 2004 20:06, Pigeon wrote:
> > ...hack the video card's BIOS, so you get a penguin in POST instead of
> > the video card manufacturer's logo?
> If you know how would you please tell us?
> :-)

Well, the actual BIOS hack would be pretty straightforward, if
somewhat tedious... just a case of poking through a dump of the BIOS
until you found the bitmap, and replacing it with a bitmap of Tux.

The hard part would be actually getting the data out of the BIOS ROM
and getting the new data back into it. With an older video card that
has a socketed DIL chip for its ROM, it's not too bad, as you could
take the chip out, stick it in a programmer, read the data, then stick
the equivalent EPROM into the programmer and blow the new data. With a
newer card... if its BIOS is in an electrically-erasable non-volatile
memory, a Flash or similar, you might be able to find a utility
somewhere that would re-flash it, or you might be able to hook an
in-circuit programmer up to the relevant lines on the card. In
summary, it's probably possible, but you'd probably need to buy or
borrow some extra hardware (and boot an M$ OS to drive it)... exact
details would vary from card to card.


Be kind to pigeons
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