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Re: Loading source files

On Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 12:57:55PM -0600, Michael Satterwhite wrote:
| I posted this yesterday, but I think it got lost in the traffic by my being 
| slow to respond to a question.
| I was wanting to look at the source to kde-core and tried to install it using
| apt (I'm running sarge) I went to the apt documentation at debian.org for the 
| "how-to".
| Unfortunately, it's not the results I expected - and I don't see anything in
| the doc explaining what happened - although I could be looking in the wrong
| place (the apt documentation under "Working with source packages).
| (1) I enter the command "apt-get source kde-core"
|      My sources.list has the line:
|         deb-src ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main
| I'm not getting the files indicated by the documentation. There is no
| .orig.tar.gz or a .diff.gz file. I do see the following:
| meta-kde-3.1.2 (directory), meta-kde-3.1.2.tar.gz, meta-kde-3.1.2.dsc
| but these aren't mentioned in the apt documentation. Regardless, they don't 
| have the kde source in them either.

The binary package 'kde-core' is built from the source package
'meta-kde'.  The directory you have there (meta-kde-3.1.2) has all of
the source used to build the binary package 'kde-core'.  Perhaps the
thing you are looking for the source code of isn't actually in the
kde-core package.  (I don't know, I don't use kde nor do I know how
its package are organized)


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