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NIS problem


I've got a problem accessing a NIS-Server (running on Suse) with a NIS-Client (Debian testing).
After doing a 'su - user' or simply logging in as user I get a
'I have no name!@galileo:~$'.

My yp.conf and nsswitch.conf are the same like on the other Suse-NIS-Clients.
In /etc/passwd the last line is '+::::::'.
In /etc/shadow '+::::::::' and in /etc/group '+:::'.

The communication between server and client seems to work:
After a 'getent passwd schaefer' I get a
'schaefer:*******:2001:100:Christian Schaefer:/home/schaefer:/bin/bash'
where ******* is the password-Field in /etc/shadow.

I know this is a known problem; I found some postings on google concerning this issue but the solutions didn't work for me.

Any idea?


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