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Re: Linux clients in network - experiences?

Paul, thanks for your answers!

On Saturday 20 March 2004 10.00, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder <avbidder@fortytwo.ch> writes:

> If you're lucky enough to have nothing but matching units on the
> production floor, you are truly lucky.  In which you get to do the
> easy job of just taking one installation and tuning that one box, make

Yes, we'll be starting pretty much from scratch, so at least in the beginning 
I am that lucky.

I think fai will be the tool of choice for installations, there were two or 
three very interesting threads about it in the last year.

> Oh, please tell me it's my call center you're doing this to!  Win2000
> is killing my stats and Citrix lag and an overburdended webserver with
> *everything* on it is the one thing really putting a cramp on my stats
> at this point.

Well, tell me your address and I'll raid your company some night and convert 
it to Debian. :-)

> OpenExchange would fill that hole.


> Why would anybody who has a single machine and a PDA to synch with
> kpilot ever need server functionality?

schedule meetings in a group, accessing each others calendar files?

> >  - crm: no idea here. I strongly suspect GNUe isn't up to the task
> > yet without *much* development work.
> Most CRM managers I've met have been pinheads.  But most of them
> worked for Stream.

CRM managers - the people or the software? :-)

> >  - networked filesystem. NFS is certainly not the right tool here.
> It can be, you just *really* need to know what you're doing for it to be.

For one thing, I'd need to make sure the traffic only runs over some encrypted 
connections. Having someone plug in his laptop in the network and set his 
userid to whatever he wants is certainly not an option.

> Fingerprints are a bad idea for authentication for anything beyond
> tracking someone (ie, crime investigation).

Preaching to the choir... :-) Yes, I share your opinion here. Working at a 
fingerprint shop for some time has also given me a feeling for the false 
acception/rejection rates, and imho these are not tolerable, especially if 
you're in a hurry and sweating but just *need* to log on now...

> > Will the information superhighway have any rest stops?
> Doesn't look like it.  Can you make due with rolling down the
> Windows(tm) and aiming it towards the shoulder?

We'll have to see about that :-)

-- vbi

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