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Re: stretching movies in mplayer

Micha Feigin wrote:
Is it possible to change the aspect ratio (stretch) a movie in mplayer
in full screen mode?

I have some movies that were in wide screen format and in the encoding
where stretched to a bad aspect ratio and I would rather no re-sample
the already sample movie which would degrade the quality, but rescale
at play time.

You could always convert the format to mkv which doesn't re-sample the actual tracks, but does allow you to add meta-data to the format to tell the player what aspect ratio to use. debs for mkvtoolnix are available at[sources.list entry]:

deb http://www.bunkus.org/debian/unstable/ ./

Just install mkvtoolnix and then you can do 'mkvmerge -o output.mkv --aspect-ratio <video track(probably 0)>:<aspect-ratio> original.avi'. The man-page is pretty good.

Alternatively, 'mplayer -aspect <aspect-ratio> original.avi' should work, but then you would have to remember to do that every time you watched the file.

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