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Re: Can't find ntpdate (noob alert)

"Francois Lachance" <flachance@accesscomm.ca> writes:

> I want to keep my PC clock set to the right time based on a time server.  I
> think that this should work, but I get the following:
> phoney:~# apt-get install ntpdate
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> E: Couldn't find package ntpdate

As you've probably noticed, 'apt-get install' is only useful if you
happen to know the exact name of the package you're looking for.
Maybe you want to get a listing of all of the NTP-related packages in
the Debian archive; I'd do this in aptitude, by typing 'l' to limit
the list of packages to '~dntp' ("whose description contains 'ntp'").

Unstable does happen to have an ntpdate package, but it's probably the
wrong thing.  ntpdate will synchronize your time once, at boot time;
if your system is up for a while and your clock is off, your time will
gradually drift out of sync and it'll never get corrected.  Consider
using the ntp-simple or chrony packages for more continuous
synchronization instead.

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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