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Mplayer "make all" error message

Dear friends:

First, my sincere thanks to all of you who wrote in or commented on the 
Mplayer rpm to deb issue. I did "succeed" in both installing it and playing 
it, but I've decided to take the advice of senior, more experienced members 
of both Xandros and Debian and stay strictly within the confines of Xandros 
and Debian sources, file types, etc. etc. I have therefore done a clean, 
fresh install of Xandros 2/Debian, deleting all partitions, reformatting, 
writing new partitions and starting from scratch. So far, the new 
installation looks great. 

To install Mplayer, I want to use only authentic Debian testing components. 

So, I went to Mplayer's home page and studied the documentation as best I 
could. Their URL is at:


Here are the highlights;


1.2.5. Features


      Decide if you need GUI. If you do, see the GUI section before compiling.

      If you want to install MEncoder (our great all-purpose encoder), see the 
MEncoder section.

      If you have a V4L compatible TV tuner card, and wish to watch/grab and 
encode movies with MPlayer, read the TV input section.

      There is a neat OSD Menu support ready to be used. Check the OSD menu 

Then build MPlayer:

make install

At this point, MPlayer is ready to use. The directory $PREFIX/share/mplayer 
contains the codecs.conf file, which is used to tell the program all the 
codecs and their capabilities. This file is needed only when you want to 
change its properties, as the main binary contains an internal copy of it. 
Check if you have codecs.conf in your home directory (~/.mplayer/codecs.conf) 
left from old MPlayer versions, and remove it.

Note that if you have a codecs.conf in ~/.mplayer/, the builtin and system 
codecs.conf will be ignored completely. Do not do this unless you want to 
fiddle with MPlayer internals as this can can cause many problems. If you 
want to change the codecs search order, use the -vc, -ac, -vfm, or -afm 
options either on the command line or in your config file (see the manual 

Debian users can build a .deb package for themselves, it's very simple. Just 


Using this information and the latest Mplayer 1.0pre3 sources, I tried and 
have partially succeeded in recompiling it. I installed all of the necessary 
libraries, etc. from my two default Xandros/Debian sources. 

I succeeded in the all-important configuration part. I configured it:

./configure --enable-gui

Configuration was a total success (I was told at the end of the configuration 
that it was a success). However, When I try to move to the next "make" stage, 
I get a strange error message:

sher@Dell:~/L-Files/Downloads/Mplayer/MPlayer-1.0pre3$ make
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.

What does this "Nothing to be done for 'all' mean, please". What's missing and 
what should I do?

The most intriguing line of all from the Mplayer Documentation above is the 

"Debian users can build a .deb package for themselves, it's very simple. Just 

The author says "it's very simple. just exec. What does he mean, please. Would 
appreciate an explanation

Below you will find my Mplayer-1.0pre3 directory:

sher@Dell:~/L-Files/Downloads/Mplayer/MPlayer-1.0pre3$ ls
asxparser.c        debian-build  libmpeg2    mplayer.rc           README
asxparser.h        divx4_vbr.c   libmpflac   mplayer_wine.spec    spudec.c
asxparser.o        divx4_vbr.h   libvo       mplayer_wine.spec.c  spudec.h
AUTHORS            divx4_vbr.o   LICENSE     mp_msg.c             spudec.o
bswap.h            DOCS          loader      mp_msg.h             sub_cc.c
cfg-common.h       drivers       Makefile    mp_msg-mencoder.c    sub_cc.h
cfg-mencoder.h     edl.h         mangle.h    mp_msg-mencoder.o    sub_cc.o
cfg-mplayer-def.h  etc           m_config.c  mp_msg.o             subreader.c
cfg-mplayer.h      fifo.c        m_config.h  m_struct.c           subreader.h
ChangeLog          find_sub.c    m_config.o  m_struct.h           subreader.o
codec-cfg          find_sub.o    mencoder    m_struct.o           TOOLS
codec-cfg.c        get_path.c    mencoder.c  osdep                TVout
codec-cfg.h        Gui           mencoder.o  parser-cfg.c         unrarlib.c
codec-cfg.o        help          mixer.c     parser-cfg.o         unrarlib.h
codecs.conf.h      help_mp.h     mixer.h     parser-mecmd.c       unrarlib.o
config.h           input         mixer.o     parser-mecmd.h       version.h
config.mak         liba52        mmx_defs.h  parser-mecmd.o       version.sh
configure          libaf         mmx.h       parser-mpcmd.c       vidix
configure.log      libao2        m_option.c  parser-mpcmd.o       vobsub.c
Copyright          libavcodec    m_option.h  playtree.c           vobsub.h
cpudetect.c        libdha        m_option.o  playtree.h           vobsub.o
cpudetect.h        libfaad2      mp3lib      playtree.o           xvid_vbr.c
cpudetect.o        libmenu       mplayer     playtreeparser.c     xvid_vbr.h
cputable.h         libmpcodecs   mplayer.c   playtreeparser.h     xvid_vbr.o
darwinfixlib.sh    libmpdemux    mplayer.h   playtreeparser.o     
debian             libmpdvdkit2  mplayer.o   postproc
sher@Dell:~/L-Files/Downloads/Mplayer/MPlayer-1.0pre3$ make
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.

Thank you all so much in advance. Hope to do it right this time and never have 
to do it again.


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