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Re: FileSystems, Partition sizes, LARGE files??

On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 08:10:14AM +0000, debian@provision.net wrote:
> 4. Where I'm only using large files, is the Block Size set to 4k by
> default ok or should it be changed higher or lower to 2k or 8k?

Higher is better, but AFAIK on x86 you are limited to 4k

> 5. Should the number of inodes be modified in anyway as to not waste
> space? I saw this mentioned on another list but I dont quite understand
> the benefits.

The number of inodes is more or less the maximum number of files and
directories on the filesystem. Since inodes take some space, reducing
their number will save some space, but I don't think it will make much


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