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monitor my debian machine, swatch?

Hi all,

I want to monitor my debian machine. I found a really nice tool whowatch.

Now, in my environment is still a very important component left. I need a
email notification if someone login by ssh/ftp/telnet and if someone request
a special folder on my apache webserver (e.g. www.mydomain.com/special/ ).
The notification should include the user's name, ip, timestamp and service
name (ssh, telnet, ...).

Anyone know a tool that can handle my requirements?

By searching the web for monitoring tools, I have found swatch. I'm not
really sure if it fits to me. The man page shows that I can monitor log
files using reg ex to find events. Also email notification is available. But
my feeling is that the configuration of swatch is a overhead in my case. And
do I need for each service a separate configuration file, one for ssh, one
for ftp, ...?

Please advice, is swatch the right one? Or if there another simple tool that
can do what I want?

Thanks in advance.

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