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Re: web page -> ps problems

On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 12:18:40PM +1100, Parsons, Drew wrote:
> > From: Ross Boylan [mailto:RossBoylan@stanfordalumni.org]
> > Sent: Thursday, 25 December 2003 5:19 PM
> > 
> > This is very odd, since several people with other distros also report
> > no problem with the bug Drew filed at xprt-xprintorg
> > (http://xprint.mozdev.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=2417).  Unfortunately,
> > I have no problem reproducing it, even with the 0.0.9beta version.
> Indeed, several other people using *Debian* had no problem with it...
> Maybe it only affects x86 architectures or something? (I don't know what the
> others used)
Time to list some more variables:
xfree 4.2.1-12.1
gv -v gives gv 3.5.8 (debian)
printing is lpr            2000.05.07-5
ps printer
testing/unstable mixed distribution (mostly testing, though mozilla
itself is from unstable)
Athlon, with custom 2.4.21 kernel
See below for more on xprt setup
Running under KDE 2.2
At one point I had xprt (not xprt-xprintorg) installed.  It's now

Fonts are generally somewhat messed up on this system, for reasons
I've been unable to fathom.

ggv (gnome ghostview, still running under KDE) shows 4 blank
pages for the file. 

I think I tried this on a CUPS system with the same results, but I'll
double check.

> > 
> > The bug does not seem specific to gv.  ImageMagick's display program
> > will show the file (unlike gv), but it shows only the enlarged upper
> > left hand corner.  When hylafax faxes the ps file, it too sends only
> > the enlarged upper left corner (I think ps2fax is the program/script
> > it uses, but I'm not sure).
> We'd have to check if they all use the same underlying library or not.
> imagemagick uses libmagick5.5.7, but hylafax seems to use gs. This again
> suggests it's the postscript file.
> > > 
> > > The only suggestion I can make is to use another of 
> > v0.0.9's new features:
> > > printing to a PDF file, rather than postscript. You want to print to
> > > "printer", selecting the pdf_spool "printer". You'll find 
> > the pdf output
> > > in /tmp/Xprintjobs.  I don't know the best way to go from 
> > there to hylafax,
> > > but conversion to PS via pdf2ps works under gv.
> > 
> > I don't see that one; perhaps I need to restart mozilla?
> > 
> No, mozilla should update automatically. Stupid question, did you upgrade
> xprt-common? The PDF printer is in /etc/Xprint/.../printer.
No, I didn't upgrade xprt-common.  I have since done so; the problem
persists.  While installing the new setup files, I noticed two
non-standard features of my C/document file:
*default-medium: na-letter
*default-printer-resolution: 600

In particular, this is twice the usual resolution.  However, I am
getting much more than a 2x (or 4x in area) enlargement).

Once I did this the pdf printer option came up in mozilla.  I have 4
options; here are the results:
1) lp@:64  that's what I've been using.  gv barfs, other programs show
enlarged upper left corner only.
2) xp_ps_spooldir_tmp_Xprintjobs@:64 same as above
3) xp_pdf_spooldir_tmp_Xprintjobs@:64 unreadable by acroread, xpdf, gv
(another bug?)

  acroread says  Warning: charset of fontList
  (XDCCC_GRAY_CORRECTION-ISO8859) does not match locale (ISO8859-1)

xpdf says
Error: May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway)
Error (0): PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table...
Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary
Error: Couldn't read xref table
Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list

gv gives the usual Error: PostScript interpreter failed in main

4) PostScript/default (which I think someone said  doesn't use xprt) works

P.S. For the BTS, if you haven't been following this thread: the
problem is not specific to gv.  display (form ImageMagick) and
whatever hylafax uses (ps2fax?) both show the enormously enlarged
upper-left hand portion of the image only.  gs also shows it

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