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Re: Woody with Gnome2.4 Backport or Sarge?

On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 08:50, M. Kirchhoff wrote:
> A friend of mine is interested in migrating from WinXP to Debian. I
> suggested that Woody is ideal for the most secure, stable environment,
> but he balked at the ugly Gnome1.x.
> My question is thus: is it better to install Woody and backports of
> Gnome2.4, Mozilla, Pan, and other of his assorted favorites, or simply
> go with Sarge? 

it depends

> Gnome2.x comprises such a large number of packages that I
> question the stability of its backport, not to mention the other
> additional backports.

The gnome 2.4 backports have been pretty widely tested, gnoppix uses
them (I think they helped create them) an I believe that the 80,000+
desktops in extramadura spain are using either the 2.2 or 2.4 backports.
Give 'em a try. I think it will work just fine.

Mark Roach

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