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Re: Web server Partitions - swap

On Wednesday 17 December 2003 00:55, Alvin Oga wrote:
> in the old days ....  memory was say 4K total ...

Yeah, I was just wondering because on my laptop, complete with KDE 
desktop and tons of programs running and all, 512MB RAM and something 
like 270MB of swap, my swap is 99% free. I'm not suggesting to get 
rid of all swap, I was just thinking that a gig of swap would be 
kinda wasteful for me.

I can't really say anything about servers under heavy load, of 

---  Magnus von Koeller ---
email:    magnus@vonkoeller.de
address:  International University
          Campus 9, App. 13
          D-76646 Bruchsal / Germany
phone:    +49-7251-700-659
mobile:   +49-179-4562940
web:      http://www.vonkoeller.de               

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