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Re: When will the new XFree make it into Debian?

Mariano Kamp wrote:
Roberto Sanchez <rcsanchez97@yahoo.es> wrote:

I know this has been discussed to death already.  But what is holding up
XFree86 4.3 from making it into unstable?  I have been using 4.3 from
experimental for a few months, but 4.3 was released almost a year ago
and 4.4 will probably be out soon.  Just wondering.

Hi Roberto,

  I'd also like to use 4.3. What did you do to get your hands on the experimental version?

Cheers, Mariano

Add this to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ ../project/experimental main contrib non-free deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ ../project/experimental main contrib non-free

apt-get update
apt-get intstall -t experimental x-window-system


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