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Re: [DSA-403-1] Kernel update?

And thus we see that Bob Proulx said, :
Bill Moseley wrote:
If you cannot wait then you would need to compile the 2.4.23 kernel
yourself.  That was released only three days ago and has not

I'm trying to take this route of compiling the vanilla kernel myself. I've compiled the kernel many times before for different purposes. I've been able to accomplish this using "make-kpkg"; it is a great and infinitely helpful tool.

However, I've run into one block. I noticed that if you want to use the "--initrd" option, you need to have some kind of special cramfs-initrd patch to the vanilla kernel sources.

============standard make-kpkg output=====================
Warning: You are using the initrd option, that may not
work unless you have applied the initrd cramfs patch to
the kernel, or modified mkinitrd not to use cramfs by
default. The  cramfs initrd patch, is included in the
Debian supplied kernel sources, but is not present in
pristine kernel sources.
By default, I assume you know what you are doing, and I
apologize for being so annoying. Should I abort[Ny]?
=====================end output===========================

In all the times in the past, I've used debian sources ('apt-get install kernel-source-x.x') and thus have not worried about not having this patch.

My question is:
1) Where is this cramfs initrd patch available for download?

I've googled for it, but only seemingly relevant is a thread that has the answer "extract the cramfs patch from the systemimager website at sourceforge".

Any pointers from any knowledgeable kernel packaging gurus in here?

Harshwardhan Nagaonkar
Electrical Engineering Sysop
Brigham Young University, UT-84602

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