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Re: fully removing a user?

Monique Y. Herman wrote:
> So, I've noticed that my home machine has some accounts lying around
> that are certainly unused -- I set up a user so that a friend could
> use my disk space, that sort of thing.
> Got me thinking ... okay, you use 'userdel -r foo', and it gets rid of
> the passwd entry, home directory, and mailspool ...
> It's also occured to me that the user may have cron jobs installed.
> What other things might a user have that aren't automagically handled?
> --
> monique
> PLEASE don't CC me.  Please.  Pretty please with sugar on top.
> Whatever it takes, just don't CC me!  I'm already subscribed!!

How about this command: find / -user user
This would return all files owned by that user
And if you want to search in all files for that user name:
    grep -inR user /


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