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Re: galeon 1.3.x fuckwittedness -- 1.2.5 fork, anyone?

on Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 02:15:12PM +0800, Uwe Dippel (udippel@uniten.edu.my) wrote:
> Finally found the time to upgrade to unstable. (My previous troubles are
> over - thanks for everyone who had generously helped !!)
> Now I find galeon (1.3.10) without the 'Save Session ...' and 'Load
> Session ...' in the 'File' menu.  'About' still mentions these.

> Is this a bug, a feature or a simple update problem here ?

Galeon brain death.

Several folks have been talking about forking the 1.2.5 codebases, which
is functionally useful.  I've held Galeon at this level for some time,
and am dreading the time when APT is going to want to take me off of it.

A large part of the problem was that Galeon's former lead developer,
Marco Presenti Gritti  drifted from "a browser for power users" to "a
browser for the masses".  One of the best things to happen to Galeon was
that it's been kicked from GNOME by Epiphany, Havoc Pennington's latest

This generally hasn't been helped any by libonoboui or gconf, both of
which are brutish fuckups and epitomes of developer hubris.

The Galeon team acknowledge several of these issues, but 1.3.x has to
shed a bunch of crap before it's half of what 1.2 was (the most
elegantly useful browser I've ever seen).  From what I've seen of design
direction, you'd have to convince me strongly that it's not better to
simply scrapt it, continue the 1.2 branch, and keep GNOME crud as far
from possible from the browser.


...and for a very confrontational, very abrasive, but very illuminating
discussion of GNOME intents, including some eye-opening perspectives
from core GNOME developers, the thread starting here:


I propose "pub", for "power users browser".  To four significant
digits.  Namespace is available in Debian.  My own coding mojo is weak,
but I know what I like in a browser:


Interest, anyone?


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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