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Re: kernel recompile - correct syntax

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Robert Storey wrote:
> I'm writing an article about Debian which will be published in a few
> days (on a well-known GNU/Linux web site). I'm trying to work out
> the best way to recompile a kernel. I don't want to give out an
> misinformation, so I need to be sure about the following...

You *MUST* read this first then.


> To compile a kernel, I originally thought that all one needed to do (to generate a deb file) was this:
>   "make-kpkg clean kernel_imag"

Unforunately you cannot include both clean and kernel_image at the
same time.  Well you can.  But it won't have the effect that you are
desiring.  The kernel_image target will still ask you to run clean if
it finds a previous revision already in place.  Best to run each

  make-kpkg clean
  fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append_to_version -k7-1 kernel_image modules_image kernel_headers kernel_doc 

Most people only need kernel_image and modules_image.  But as long as
you are at it you might as well make the kernel_headers and kernel_doc
packages at the same time.  There are times when it is handy to have
those and they build quickly.

I specified -k7-1 in the above because I have an Athlon and this is
the first kernel revision for me for that kernel.  Beware of name
collisions here.  Debian kernels tend to be -1-k7 and so I reversed
the order for me.  Other people recommend using something completely
different to avoid even the small chance of a name collision.  Put
your name in there if you like.

> I walked this past a Debian guru, who sent me this reply:
>    I suggest that you get people to use a --revision flag for
>    make-kpkg and also an
>    --append-to-version=-<hostname><revision> so that things
>    will work the way they expect wrt LinuxOLD. If you dont use
>    --append-to-version and just increment the revision then the
>    new kernel when you install it will overwrite the current
>    one and the current one will not become LinuxOLD. You need
>    to change the version in order for the Linux/LinuxOLD thing
>    to work as you might expect.
> I'm a little unclear about his syntax.
> [...]
> So what I'm asking is: what is EXACTLY the best syntax to use. Like
> I said, I'm writing an article - readers will rake me over the coals
> if I give out information that is ambiguous or unclear in any way.

Everyone knows that APT such as 'apt-get upgrade' (or 'aptitude
upgrade' or dselect or whatever) is really a strength of Debian.
However, you may not want to have kernels offered in this way.  Binary
driver modules (nVidia, Broadcom, RAID, etc.) need to match the
kernel.  Just updating the kernel would break those.  Users with those
addons need to install the kernel-source and rebuild the drivers and
install both kernel and drivers together.  So kernels are usually
specific manual installations that are selected explicitly.

The --append-to-version is the way to modify the package name at build
time.  I don't like your guru's choice of <hostname> there.  The
hostname does not mean anything to me in terms of a kernel.  I care
about the type of the kernel.  It is the specifics of Pentium4 or an
Athlon or SMP or some-kernel-patch such as 'preempt' patches which I
need to know in the package name.  Because I will use that to select
the right kernel for the machine I am installing it on.

Look in /boot on your machine.  You will usually find at least two
images but frequently several named vmlinuz-*.  Typically they look
like vmlinuz-2.4.20-k7 and vmlinuz-2.4.20-2-k7.  If you were to
install a second kernel with the same name it would completely replace
and overwrite the first.  You cannot go and boot the previous kernel.
It is gone.  If you still have yet a previous kernel then you could
boot the still previous kernel.  But people expect (I expect!) that
you will be able to go back to booting the immediately previous
kernel.  This is presented to you as options at boot time by either
LILO or GRUB.  (If you have 'prompt' turned on.)  So naming the kernel
uniquely is important.  You should specify a version here.  You can
always add that later at -2 if you find that you need to and ignore
this otherwise.  This is what Debian has been doing.  But you should
do something different to keep in a different namespace.

By convention you should always specify the machine architecture, smp
if compiled that way, any patches (e.g. XFS) that you have installed
as part of the name.  So an Athlon compiled with SMP would be
-k7-smp-1 for the first and a P4 would be -686-smp-3 for the third
version and so forth.  These are just my preferences.  Alternately you
could happily use the date as the revision with --append-to-version
-686-smp-2003-09-11 or other such unique naming.  The dpkg tools don't
care and the limiter is what you as the admin can tolerate.

And as I said they are conventions.  You are allowed to have your own.
If you never have different architectures then that is not going to be
important to you.  In that case using just the date code is perhaps a
better convention for you.  Go with -20030911.  There is never a
conflict unless and until you interact with others.  The only regular
interaction is with the debian.org kernels and so you should always be
aware possible contention there.  I personally build and install on
hundreds of machines and so this is a concern for me.

The --revision option can be ignored if you are always putting the
revision in the --append-to-version option.  For most users that is
sufficient.  But the --revision flag is useful for differences in
packaging of the same kernel where binary compatibility is still
assured.  This allows you to change the packaging, upgrade the kernel,
but not need to upgrade any binary kernel modules.  If you built a
kernel and distributed it but then found that you needed to make
another revision of it then using the --revision option is

And of course so far none of this even mentions external modules or
patches.  Building those in seemlessly is one of the really sweet
things about using make-kpkg.  If you have not experienced it then you
should give it a trial.  I won't be going back to the old ways any
time soon.  I am hooked.

When building kernels you should also set these environment variables.
I put these in my ~/.bashrc file.  Otherwise the packages will be
listed as built by Unknown Kernel Package Maintainer
<unknown@unconfigured.in.etc.kernel-pkg.conf> which is downright ugly.
See 'man kernel-pkg.conf' for details.

  export KPKG_MAINTAINER="Your Name Here"
  export KPKG_EMAIL=you@your.domain

Don't forget 'export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2' if you have the cpus for it.
This can reduce the build time almost linearly for the first two cpus.

Hope this helps,

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