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Re: flphoto program to deb?

On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 10:25:05PM +1000, Chris Kenrick wrote:
   > You can also rotate losslessly via jpegtran in libjpeg-progs (or
   > libjpeg-mmx-progs.  It also can preserve the EXIF data if passed the
   > "-copy all" option.  Works fine in the stable version of jpegtran.
Will try that. Thanks for the tip.
   > I've got my A70 working under 2.0final-4 which is the version in stable.
   > The trick is to have all the right USB modules loaded, and pass a fudged
   > command line to gphoto2 (trick it into thinking it's a different camera)
   > Try
   > gphoto2 --usbid 0x4a9:0x3073=0x4a9:0x3056 --camera "Canon Powershot S40" -P

I have it working under linux. Even gphoto2 and flphoto work.
   > I didn't manage to get the hotplug usermap thing going, so I just have a
   > little script to run that command I mentioned earlier when I want to
   > upload photos.

I got it working with gphoto2 using hotplug and usbmap file. But, a
command like gphoto2 --auto-detect -P would download the images and then

flphoto would recognize the camera as a ptp class one. Even there I had
some problems deleting the images or reloading the album.

The cvs snapshots of gphoto2 sense this camera correectly. Same with
flphoto as it uses gphoto2. Now downloading images without gui is very
simple: gphoto2 -P. Sridharo segfaults.

Since you too have an A70, try the cvs versions.


Sridhar M.A.

To think contrary to one's era is heroism.  But to speak against it is madness.
		-- Eugene Ionesco

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