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Re: [OT] Slashdot and media accuracy (was Re: Improved Debian Project Emergency Communications)

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 19:13:33 +0800, 
"David Palmer." <davidpalmer@westnet.com.au> wrote in message 
<[🔎] 20031204191333.56514e90.davidpalmer@westnet.com.au>:

> I'm not mad at anyone.
> If there is a form of arrogance that displays a lack of experience,
> it's analysis at a distance.
> Put all politicians on a wage of $500.00/week, and make it a capital
> offense to take a political bribe, and you would get the ones that
> want to do the job for the right reasons.

..does not work, just watch the Scandinavian parliaments.

..there was just one major figure, and he was shot in 1986 to make way
for EU membership

..I would like the oposite: Make it profitable to "hire some top shot
CEO type to run your multinational business, while you do 3 terms in
Office to pay for your next big business.  You don't have any? Good,
then go buy a good running big business after your first term, or set up
a new one.".

..face it, good leaders costs _big_ money.  Bad ones, even more.
So they do _not_ want the competition.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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