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Re: Rationale

scripsit John Smith:
> <Asbestos> Two other os-es that I'm thoroughly familiar with, Netware
> and Windows, insert for this exact reason the system paths before the
> local paths. </Asbestos>

One good reason why that behaviour is evil is that I may want to install
custom versions of utils without messing with /bin or /usr/bin.  That's
what /usr/local is for, after all.

BTW, if someone has compromised your system to the extent of being able
to put a trojaned passwd in /usr/local/bin, he can put it in /usr/bin,

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.

Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at asu.edu
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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