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Re: Installing CUPS

> How do I know if I have CUPS installed?

'apt-cache policy cupsys' will show you which version is installed
'ps aux | grep cupsd' will show you if cupsd is running
'netstat -anp -A inet | grep 631', issued as root, will show you who (if 
anyone) is listening on port 631/tcp.

For a list of other packages related to CUPS which might be of interest, try 
'apt-cache search cups | grep cups | sort'.  I recommend installing at least 
the cupsys, cupsys-client, and cupsys-bsd packages.  The others you probably 
don't need, especially since you're using kprinter.

> Also, is there some type of
> configuration program for CUPS?

Not that I'm aware of.  But there's a CUPS Quick Start, as well as loads of 
other information, at http://www.linuxprinting.org.  Also see /usr/share/
cups/doc-root/documentation.html for abundant documentation, once you have 
CUPS installed.

Good luck,

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