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Re: Knoppix on top of woody

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 05:00:38AM -0800, Ralph Bacolod wrote:
> Hi! I just bought a knoppix cd and i want to install it on my computer. I
> already have woody installed which is dual booting with XP. I have 2
> questions.
> 1. I want to replace woody without overwriting my files in home. Is this
> feasible? Home by the way is a different partition .How do i go about it?
> Can you please show me good howto. Ive googled and it seems that there is a
> lack of clear documentation.

I'm afraid I don't know anything about the knoppix installation process,
and this isn't the right place to be asking about it. It is feasible,
but the details depend on the installer. For example with debian, you
can use 'mount a previously initialised partition' and choose /home as
the mountpoint. Then you just have to ensure that the uid of the user
who used to use that partition matches that of the corresponding user on
the new OS.

Why do you want to install knoppix to the hard drive? Are you currently
using debian? From what I understand, the hard drive install option of
knoppix attempts to give you a debian system anyway.

Jon Dowland

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