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Testing system from stable install

Sorry if this question is a FAQ. I had an average look around and couldn't find anything specific. Advice on searching (yes I know how to use google) is just as welcome as a solution.

I currently use Redhat for my desktops, but given their recent announcments and future shakey support I have decided to start looking for another distro.

I have always liked apt and the standardness of debian so I am going to give it (another) try.

Many of my machines require more recent packages than stable provides. I would also like the features in more recent software. This list includes:

Latest non developer Gnome, KDE, XFree86, OpenOffice, etc

I was wondering if the way to do this is to install a base debian 2.4 kernell and then use apt (dselect?) to get testing releases and let apt fill in the dependencies.

However I would rather use tasksel to achieve this but not sure the stable tasksel will choose testing packages?

Which ever one I use I have no idea how to do it.

I am also worried that I will be missing all the 'glue' that holds these things together, e.g. GDM configuration, admin tools etc.

Perhaps I should just install an average system with Gnome etc and then upgrade, but that seems like a bit of a wast of HD space and time!

Any advice?

P.S. I have a fast internet connection so can install over the net.


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