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[OT] Internet time (Biel Mean Time)


What's the point of it?

According to http://www.luvit.se/stefanp/lec_35_manual/swatch.html ,
"As a result Internet Time is the same all over the world."

Well, gee, since Internet Time is equivalent to BMT, what's the
big deal about "same all over the world" and "the era of time zones
has disappeared"?  The same would be true about GMT, American EST,
or any other time zone that people standardize on.

In fact, long ago, the US military standardized on GMT as "Zulu
time", as opposed to "Lima", a.k.a. local time.

They'd have had a fighting chance if they'd have stuck with GMT.
In fact, I think that a metric system based on GMT is a good idea,
since 1/100th of a "beat" is 0.864 seconds, which gives just as
good a granularity as the second.

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA

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Brian W. Kernighan

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