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Re: sendmail and procmail , spamassaign

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Vivek Kumar wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am using sendmail for my mails. I was told that if i want to use
> spamassassin and redirect the rejected mail to some user account (like
> spam user) I need to use procmail.
> I installed procmail but I don't understand that can i use this for
> entire domain or procmail is only good for one user as when i was trying
> to configure it, it talked about .forward file and .procmailrc file in
> the user home directory.
> What i want it to do is install spamassassin and send all the rejected
> mail to spammail@xxxx.xxx account. (xxxx.xxx could be a noewly created
> email address).

 From /usr/share/doc/spamassassin/README you get:


4. If you already use procmail, skip to step 6.  If not, ensure procmail
is installed using "which procmail" or install it from www.procmail.org.

5. Create a .forward file in your HOME DIRECTORY containing the below

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #user"

6. Edit or create a .procmailrc file in your HOME DIRECTORY containing
the below lines.  If you already have a .procmailrc file, add the lines
to the top of your .procmailrc file:

| /home/user/bin/SpamAssassin/spamassassin -P -c /home/user/bin/SpamAssassin/rules

  The above line filters all incoming mail through SpamAssassin and tags
probable spam with a unique header.  If you would prefer to have spam
blocked and saved to a file called caughtspam in your home directory
instead of passed through and tagged, append this directly below the
above lines:

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

7. Now, you should be ready to send some test emails and ensure everything
works as expected.  First, send yourself a test email that doesn't contain 
anything suspicious.  You should receive it normally, but there will be a
header containing X-Spam-Status: No.  If you are only tagging your spam,
send yourself an obvious spam mail and check to be sure it is marked as
spam.  If your test emails don't get through to you, immediately rename
your .forward file until you figure out cause of the the problem, so you
don't lose incoming email.


... don't touch the bang bang fruit

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