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Re: X is slow on 2.6-test6 kernel

Nathan Weston wrote:
I just installed 2.6.0-test6, and X is incredibly slow -- if I minimize a window which covers most of the screen, I can watch the redraw creep down the screen, taking about 1 second to finish.

I'm using a PCI GeForce2 MX with the 4496 driver from NVidia. Under 2.4.21, the same driver produces good results. I haven't been able to test other cards or drivers.


You wont need to run X with a negative nice value if you have a preemptable kernel. Doing so will have a negative impact on performance. I had the same problem until I changed my /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config. Just comment out or remove the nice_level line.


Mental (Mental@NeverLight.com)

"The Torah...  The Gospels...  The Koran...
Each claimed as the infallible word of GOD.
Misquoted, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misapplied.
Maybe that's why he doesn't do any more interviews." - sinfest.net


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