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Install explanation?

I seem to be able to get on the internet now. For
those who helped me and any one else interested, I
offer my tentative explanation for criticism.

When I installed Debian, I included diald. However, in
setting up diald, I had a problem in that I have pulse
dialing and there was no way (I thought) to configure

Diald turns on the modem when data is being
transferred and turns it off otherwise. When I tried
to use ppp, kppp, and wvdial, they were superseded by
diald because no data was waiting to be transferred.
Diald stopped them from being authorized.

Last night, I edited the diald.conf by changing my
telephone number in the Windows XP way, i.e. by
putting a "P" in front of the number. Since then,
diald is in control and connects, whenever I want to
send or receive data, automatically turning off the
modem, when data is not flowing, as it is not as I
compose this message.

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