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removing all but critical packages

I recently tried to do a Debian install, only to find that my CD was to
badly scratched to read properly. Because I had a Knoppix disc, I just
did a 'knx-hdinstall' and got a working system. However, there is way
too much bloat. So far doing 'apt-get remove --purge libqt*' seems to
have gotten rid of just about anything KDE related. However, I'm sure
there are still packages there that I do not want.

So here is the question: is there a way to strip the install to only
base/core/required packages? Then I could start building the system up
the way I'm used to. The only option I can think of at the moment is
creating a list of installed packages on a clean system with 'dpkg
--get-selections' and putting it on the other boxen with 'dpkg
--set-selections.' However, I don't have any stripped boxen handy.

Therefore, does anyone have a stripped boxen they would be willing to
send me the --get-selections from (I'd be willing to post it on my site
if anyone else goes looking for it), or if someone knows of a better
method to strip the machine.

-johann koenig
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