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Re: Large File Copy

* Daniel L. Miller (dmiller@amfes.com) [030923 21:27]:
> As usual, I found something to frustrate me again in my constant pursuit 
> of Linux paradise.
> I have a large hard drive with a single NTFS partion.  I have installed 
> this drive in a Woody box and mounted the partition.
> No prob.
> Next, I shared the mounted partition via Samba 3.
> No prob.
> From my new wonderful soon to be master server, I have mounted the 
> Samba share.
> Still no prob.
> I am now trying to copy all the junk from that Samba mounted NTFS drive 
> to my new ReiserFS drive.  For reasonable size files it works just fine. 
>  But I have quite a few files that are well over 300k - and copy 
> commands keep crashing.
> Since my golden PC is using KDE, I tried using Konqueror to do the file 
> copies.  Apparently Konqueror posseses some type of copy-resume, so when 
> it fails I can re-try the file copy, tell it to overwrite, and the copy 
> continues from there.  But there's GOTTA be a better way.

Not sure why the copy is failing, but there are some better ways.
Rather than mounting the samba share, try using smbtar on the client.

Better still, skip smb.  There's no reason to use a system designed for
and by dummies for linux-to-linux file transfers =)

ftp was not a bad idea.  It sounds like your ftp server was just
misconfigured.  I'm not all that familiar with vsftp, but it could be as
simple as checking your file permissions and adding a symlink to the
ntfs partition in your home dir.

If you're transfering the whole filesystem over, you're probably best
off tarring it up, and maybe compressing it.  If you've already got ssh
installed on both machines, you can do this without installing any
additional servers:

client:/home/user/old_ntfs$ ssh server tar cjf - /mnt/nt_partition | tar xjvf -

(That means you're starting on the client, in the target directory.  You
ssh to the server, start a tar to stdout, and un-tar stdin on the client
in place.)

good times,
						--Nick Moffitt
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