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crontab: Permission denied

Hi all!  I hope someone might have an answer to a puzzling question ...

Why can't my user run crontab?

The system-wide cron is working fine; any cron-related files in /etc do
their jobs.  But every time I try to use the 'crontab' command as a
normal user, I get nastiness:

crontab -e
crontabs/monique: Permission denied

The same happens for crontab -l. If I do 'crontab tmp/cronstuff', where cronstuff has valid crontab
entries, I get:
crontabs/tmp.WAJKya: Permission denied

My permissions for /var/spool/cron/crontabs :
drwx-wx--T    2 root     crontab      4.0K Sep 21 13:17 cron/crontabs/

Based on a friend's setup, I have also tried creating a file 'monique'
in the above directory with the following permissions:

-rw-------    1 monique crontab       394 Sep 21 122:21 monique

No go ... same error.

I'm not sure if I ever had individual user cron jobs working on this
machine ... so I'm not sure if this is a recent problem or not.

Oh, another thing.  If I run crontab -e as root, with no pre-existing
file, it works just fine.  It creates the file
/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root with root as both the user and group.

Neither /etc/cron.allow nor /etc/cron.deny exist on this machine.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


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