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Re: RealPlayer 8 plugin for Moz

Kent West wrote:

Donald Spoon wrote:

Kent West wrote:

I have RealPlayer8 installed, but I can't seem to get it to act as a plugin for Mozilla. I can manually run rp8 and watch realplayer files/etc, but some sites ( some new IBM Linux videos - http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/linux/fun/# ) seem to require the plugin functionality.

Anyone know how I can get the plugin installed into Mozilla? I copied the rpnp.so file into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, and that shows up in "about: plugins", but I still can't play that video clip.


In the RealPlayer8 window select "Help"-->"Mime Type/Plugin Install" and follow the directions there.

I did that, which was a repeat of part of the original installation of rp8. Made no difference.

I also have the "mozplugger" app installed. Dunno if it is needed or not, since I don't use RealPlayer all that much. I can get RealPlayer to come up on the above site OK here.

Installed that, which made no difference. Now when I click on "about: plugins" I see a new group "MozPlugger 1.3.0" that has a lot of different "helper applications", but Real is not mentioned among them.

btw, the following is in /etc/mozpluggerrc:

audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin: rpm: RealPlayer Plugin Metafile
audio/x-pn-realaudio: ra,rm,ram: Realaudio-plugin resource locator
audio/x-realaudio: ra,rm,ram: RealAudio file
application/vnd.rn-realmedia: rm: RealMedia file
application/smil: smi: RealPlayer
audio/vnd.rn-realaudio: ra,ram: RealAudio file
audio/vnd.rn-realvideo: rv: RealVideo file
       nokill exits: realplay "$file"

Kent West (westk@acu.edu)

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