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Re: ssh + X11

Arnt Karlsen said:
> On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 17:30:11 -0600 (MDT),
> "Jacob Anawalt" <jacob@cachevalley.com> wrote in message
> <[🔎] 1262.>:
>> no X11Forwarding as in the line isn't in the file, or as in:
>> X11Forwarding no
> ..the latter, I found one of my boxes having "yes".

I'm glad it's all sorted out and working as it claims to.


>> When I set /etc/ssh/sshd_config
>> X11Forwarding no
>> and restart the sshd service, the next time I connect with ssh -X (or
>> without that and ~/.ssh/config ForwardX11=yes or that set in the
>> /etc/ssh/ssh_config) I see that $DISPLAY isn't set. xclock of course
>> says"Error: Can't open display". I set $DISPLAY to localhost:10.0 (the
>> first offset set in my sshd_config file and no one else is sshing to
>> the machine) and xclock says "Error: Can't open display:
>> localhost:10.0". I change the setting back to X11Forwarding yes,
>> restart sshd. Disconnect, reconnect with forwarding requested by my
>> client ssh session and $DISPLAY is auto-set to localhost:10.0 and
>> xclock works.
> ..correct, this is what nearly had me drop Debian for RH, and I still
> get this when su'ing another user, I set up several users so I could
> "su - arnt" etc for the various stuff I do, and have several differing
> setups for each task, I can do this with "ssh -X user@box.ip app &",
> but I prefer "su - user" on the localhosts, less typing.

Heh. I'm trying to shift gears and change paradigms on that one as well,
since I've been working on prep'ing to switch in just the other direction,

I notice that "su -" doesn't set DISPLAY for root. I'm sure there's some
relativly simple step that needs to be taken to have su - copy over the
xauth info including the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data, but I haven't looked
into it. Instead I've been doing this:

su -c "program name and args"

Seems to work just right for my needs. I've been lazy and haven't re-setup
sudo on the Sid system I've been testing on so I don't know how it's
working in these situations.

Trying out SquirrelMail

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