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Re: Using Japanese (and Chinese) on an prodominantly english system

On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 05:19:49PM -0400, Travis Crump wrote:
> Rebecca Dridan wrote:
> >I've installed canna, kinput2-canna, and jvim, but I don't understand
> >how to use them. I've installed japanese fonts and generated all the
> >japanese locales I could find, although my normal LANG et al are set to
> >C. Which locale settings do I need to change? All of them? Is there a
> >setting that would allow english and japanese, or do I have to keep
> >switching. (I don't understand locales very well)

vim 6.1 should handle UTF-8 or EUC for Japanese.

> Probably not the best way, but how I do it:
> At a terminal:
> $export LANG=ja_JP.eucJP
> $export LC_MESSAGES=ja_JP.eucJP
He want English here for sure :)

$export LC_MESSAGES=en_US.ISO-8859-1

> $export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.eucJP
> $export XMODIFIERS=@im=kinput2
> $kinput2 -xim -kinput -canna &
> $kterm -xim <other desired options> &
> And then I just basically leave that kterm open forever[it even survives
> logouts/reboots, but I am not sure how I managed that] and use it
> whenever I want to input japanase or start children off of it.  You just
> hit Shift+Space to start entering japanese, it is fairly obvious[if it
> works].
> My normal xterm is gnome-terminal 1.4, but kterm is the only xterm I've 
> got to work, others /may/ work.

Oh, nobody mentioned but as I see Sarge ...

Debian xterm package also comes with uxterm program:
  uxterm is a wrapper around the xterm(1) program that invokes the latter
  program with the "UXTerm" X  resource  class  set.

UXTerm*VT100*font:     -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--18-120-100-100-C-90-ISO10646-1
UXTerm*VT100*wideFont: -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal-ja-18-120-100-100-C-180-ISO10646-1

This is nice font for Japanese.

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