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CUPS gone mad

 I'm going crazy. Thanks for any idea how to solve this mess:

 * Although it worked perfectly some times ago When trying to print 
something from Gimp or KDE, Cups creates hundred thousands of files 
(000xxxx) in /var/spool/cups/. These are almost all 34796 bytes long,a d 
and file says these are "PostScript document text conforming at level 1.0
" . 
 I must stop cups by /etc/init.d/cupsys stop to gain control on my 
computer back, or it swaps until death.

 * I've tried to delete the printer and reinstall it. All seems perfect 
through KDE or the web interface. But when trying to print the test page, 
it fails immediately. The jobs list indicates : "Aborted".

 T've found this in my logs :

/var/spool/error_log :

I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:08 +0200] Job 9 queued on 'HP690C' by ''.
I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:08 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 5382) for job 9.
I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:09 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/
cupsomatic (PID 5383) for job 9.
I [09/Sep/2003:22:06:09 +0200] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/
parallel (PID 5384) for job 9.
E [09/Sep/2003:22:06:09 +0200] PID 5383 stopped with status 32!

 => The parallel program (a binary) seems to fail. This is part of the 
cupsys package (1.1.14-5). All of my CUPS packages come from Woody 
(+updates) although tome parts of my system come from Sarge or Sid.

 BTW : gs seems to work (I've created a .ps from an HTML page, gs shows it 
at screen).

 Google shows some people with the same problem this year, usually without 
any answer ;-(

 This new setup has not solved the first problem, I've still got thousand 
of files if I want to print a simple mail :-(

 Once again, thanks for any help.

Christophe Courtois - Ostwald, Alsace, France
http://www.courtois.cc/ - Clé PGP : 0F33E837

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