Re: Problems with Promise PDC 20265 raid on ASUS Motherboard
--- Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <> escribió:
> On Sun, 07 Sep 2003, Darryl Barlow wrote:
> > controllers, but using the ide=reverse option does not help. Any ideas
> > welcome.
> Don't use PDC20265 RAID. Instead, use software RAID1. It is much faster.
> And safer, probably.
How is that possible? The point of the hardware RAID is to hide the
implementation from the OS. The OS addresses the logical device and the
chipset takes care of the mirrorring/striping/whatever. For a software RAID,
IIRC, the OS has to legwork, meaning that for a mirror array it will send the
daya to both disks. Maybe this is OK for a workstation, but I don't think it
would cut it for very long on a server.
I don't believe there is a major performance difference for striping,
when you have only diks and they are different controllers, but I still think
you are wrong for the most part.
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