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Samsung ML-1210 with CUPS on Woody

I'm going starkers trying to set up a CUPS server using only stable packages
(and whatever extra printer-specific file(s) I need).

I installed cupsys, cupsys-client, cupsys-bsd, gs and a2ps from stable.

I went to www.linuxprinting.org and downloaded the Samsung-ML-1210-gdi.ppd
and foomatic-rip files, and followed the instructions to set up the new
printer in CUPS.

I set the log level to debug2 (log everything), restarted the server, and
tried to send a test page. The log reflects that everything worked. I
started top and watched as foomatic-rip ate up all the memory and was

So I believe I've isolated the problem to foomatic-rip.

Unfortunately IANAP.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


P.S. I am able to print a Postscript file with this complex command:

cat file.ps | gs -q -dBATCH -dSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=gdi
-sPAPERSIZE=letter -r500 -sOutputFile=- - | > /dev/lp0

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