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Thanks all! - Re: How do I configure iptables to allow DNS lookups?

HdV@DTO.TUDelft.NL wrote:

 If you want to see the full script go to


for an explanation and to


for the archive. Currently there's only a Dutch explanation available,
but I am translating it into English for another reader of the debian lists.  I expect to have it available this weekend. I'll post the new link then.  'Til then you should be able to figure things out from the shell-scripts in the archive.

That's fantastic thanks! The web page was what I really needed before, from what I can see without understand Dutch ;) The scripts were very clear and understandable too. Why doesn't the netfilter.org documentation page link to you? :D

I think I was having a bit of a brain-fart. I didn't get my head around the packet nature of this (durr!), rather thinking in connection terms. Packets flow in and out for a single connection - the concept of incoming and outgoing connections is irrelevant! Anyway, I think I have the basics sussed, so when I have time, I will integrate some nicer scripts like the ones on those URLs, and make it more maintainable and understandable, etc.

Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source      destination
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere    anywhere
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh state NEW,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere    tcp spt:smtp state ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere    tcp spt:domain state ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere    anywhere    state ESTABLISHED udp spt:domain
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere    tcp spt:www state ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere    anywhere    state ESTABLISHED udp spt:ntp
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere    tcp spt:ntp state ESTABLISHED
DROP       all  --  anywhere    anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source      destination
DROP       all  --  anywhere    anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source      destination
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere    anywhere
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere    anywhere    tcp spt:ssh state ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:smtp state NEW,ESTABLISHED ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW,ESTABLISHED udp dpt:domain ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:domain state NEW,ESTABLISHED ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:www state NEW,ESTABLISHED ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW,ESTABLISHED udp dpt:ntp ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ntp state NEW,ESTABLISHED
DROP       all  --  anywhere    anywhere

Thanks again to all who helped,

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