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Probelms with apt-proxy

Last night I installed apt-proxy on my Woody system.  It doesn't work.  I have
searched the debian-user archives, the apt-proxy-user archives, and done a
general Google search, but I still can't figure this out.  The only relevant
discussions I found were in German and my German is a bit rusty (read: I can't
read German at all).

This is the error I get when I run apt-get update:

(from the Woody box)
Err http://localhost stable/updates/main Packages
  Connection failed

(from the Unstable box)
Err http://P-Pro-200 unstable/main Packages
  Connection failed

Of course, the errors repeat for each sources.list module entry.  Also,
I logged into the proxy machine in two seperate terminals and then ran apt-get
update from both the local Woody machine and the Unstable machine and did a
ps -A numerous times, and tcpd runs, but apt-proxy does not.

Also, nothing at all shows up in the log file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Here is the entry from /etc/inetd.conf:

9999           stream  tcp     nowait.400      aptproxy                        
/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/apt-proxy -c /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf -l 

Here is my /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf:


add_backend /main/                                      \
        $APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian/                        \
        http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/                \
        http://linux.csua.berkeley.edu/debian/          \
        http://lyre.mit.edu/debian/                     \

add_backend /debian-non-US/                             \
        $APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-non-US/                 \
        http://non-us.debian.org/                       \
        http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-non-US/         \

add_backend /security/                                  \
        $APT_PROXY_CACHE/security/                      \
        http://security.debian.org/                     \

add_backend /marillat/                                  \
        $APT_PROXY_CACHE/marillat/                      \


The /etc/apt/sources.list from my Woody box:

deb http://localhost:9999/security stable/updates main
deb-src http://localhost:9999/security stable/updates main
deb http://localhost:9999/main stable main non-free contrib
deb-src http://localhost:9999/main stable main non-free contrib
deb http://localhost:9999/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src http://localhost:9999/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free

The /etc/apt/sources.list from my Unstabe box behind the Woody box:

deb http://P-Pro-200:9999/main unstable main non-free contrib
deb-src http://P-Pro-200:9999/main unstable main non-free contrib
deb http://P-Pro-200:9999/main testing main non-free contrib
deb-src http://P-Pro-200:9999/main testing main non-free contrib
deb http://P-Pro-200:9999/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src http://P-Pro-200:9999/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main contrib
deb http://P-Pro-200:9999/marillat unstable main

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