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Obscure Perl modules

I'm still fairly new to Debian and am trying to find my way around the
system. I've got some gripes about the naming practice and poor
documentation of Perl modules. As an example, I started out today to
find a package which I have used a lot on my W2K system, named
DBD::XBase. It's an excellent interface to DBase-style files, including

After some heavy googling, I finally located the libxbase-perl package
on http://packages.debian.org/stable/interpreters/libxbase-perl.html and
suspected, mostly because of the source code name, that this indeed was
my trusty old friend. A successful apt-get install libxbase-perl finally
confirmed my suspicions.

However, I wonder if there is any correspondence between a package name
such as it appears on say, CPAN, and the Debian package names? Shouldn't
the original module name be referred to on the package page? 

Secondly, what is the easiest way to obtain documentation on any package
residing on packages.debian.org? The abovementioned url was certainly
not very helpful with a link to the plain old documentation. In this
example, just a link to
http://search.cpan.org/author/JANPAZ/DBD-XBase-0.234/lib/XBase.pm would
have gone a long way. Ideally, any documentation following the original
package should be directly accessible from packages.debian.org.

Leif Biberg Kristensen 
mail to leif at solumslekt dot org

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